Yellowtail Conclusion is part of the Conclusion ecosystem

The Key Control Dashboard Community Kickstart

2022 was a special year. We are making more and more impact with Key Control Dashboard and were able to help a record number of customers make their organization more financially and digitally resilient. This became clearly visible during our own event in October last year. After a three-year absence, we were finally able to organize this again! It was great to talk to our customers and partners that day. It was at least as great to see our customers and partners talking to each other. From Yellowtail Conclusion we shared our innovations, our partners discussed substantive developments and our customers identified shared opportunities and challenges. Ultimately, all to become better together and help each other. It was one group with the same goal.
De kickstart van de Key Control Dashboard Community

The conclusion we got from the event? We are on the right track. We want to achieve the same as our customers, our plans have been well received and our customers want to continue with us. Together we will make a difference!

KeySpire Community

The Key Control Dashboard Inspiration Event was just the kickstart of the community we are building. For the new year, we have high expectations of KeySpire, our new learning and community platform. Through this platform, we want to be even more proactive in contact with all Key Control Dashboard users. On KeySpire, our customers will find everything they need to work optimally with the Key Control Dashboard. For example, the first e-learnings are online, with which both novice and experienced users can brush up or refresh their knowledge.

Focus, integrality and further development

We are the best integral solution for GRC, ISMS and PMS on the Dutch market. We believe in this. Day in and day out, our growing team works hard to make this happen and to strengthen this leading position. This year, we have also fully committed to the further development of our solution. We have focused on, among other things, more extensive reporting options, improved user experience and security and various UX improvements. All aspects that have been included in our new software version Key Control Dashboard 9.0 – live since November of this year.

A look at 2023

Although this is a time to reflect on the successes of this year, we are also looking ahead. Ultimately, the key to success. A small selection of our good intentions for 2023:

  • In 2023, we will continue to work hard on the development of KeySpire. Even more content and even more interactive.
  • A further growing team.
  • We will further intensify the contact with our customers. The Key Control Dashboard Inspiration Event tasted like more, both for us and for our customers!
  • We will also continue to improve the platform, for example with the power-BI integration in Key Control Dashboard 9.0. This gives our platform more visual and flexible reporting options.

For now, we would like to thank our customers and partners for their trust in us as Yellowtail Conclusion and Key Control Dashboard as a product. We look back on a successful 2022 with a great feeling and look forward to 2023. On behalf of the Key Control Dashboard team, we wish everyone a prosperous and above all healthy 2023.

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