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Farewell to Mirjam Fuchs at Yellowtail Conclusion

After twelve years of innovation and valuable contributions, we announce the departure of our esteemed Housing and Lending Director, Mirjam Fuchs, from Yellowtail Conclusion. Since her first day in 2012, Mirjam has made a mark in Yellowtail's Housing & Lending domain. Her innovative approach and clear vision have enabled us to make significant progress. Under her leadership, innovations such as fully automated robo-advice, sustainability customer journeys and our Hypact product line have been introduced, making a lasting impact on the sector.
Afscheid van Mirjam Fuchs bij Yellowtail Conclusion

Mirjam looks back on a meaningful period at Yellowtail: ‘These years were an unforgettable journey for me, in which we overcame challenges and celebrated successes together. The fine energy and culture at Yellowtail Conclusion make it a wonderful organisation to work for me. I am proud of – and grateful for – the commitment of my teams and the cooperation with our clients and partners. Together, we have built something special.’

Co-Director Housing and Lending, Paul van der Meijs, expresses his appreciation for Mirjam’s commitment and leadership: ‘Mirjam has played a vital role in shaping our future in the mortgage market, our strategy and innovations. Her inspiration and vision have contributed time and again to a better industry. Thanks to her efforts, we have taken the first important steps towards applying generative AI. Her recent appearance on the Mortgages Podcast is a great example of ‘typical Mirjam’.’

We will greatly miss Mirjam as a colleague, team player and innovator. She will remain responsible for the Housing & Lending domain with Paul until 1 September. The reason for her departure is private and we wish her the best of luck. In the coming months, she will orientate on her next step and we hope to hear a lot from her even after 1 September.

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