Yellowtail Conclusion is part of the Conclusion ecosystem

Online advice street

How one plus one became three during the realization of Hypact Online Mortgage Advice

Together with DocDigi, Yellowtail Conclusion has developed the very first online advice street in the industry: Hypact Online Mortgage Advice. This unique advice tool went live for Ingage Franchise at the beginning of this year, so that starters in employment can arrange their own affairs and receive fully personalized advice from De Hypotheekshop and Huis & Hypotheek. The customer decides for themselves whether they want to call on an advisor. Yellowtail Conclusion provided the online advice street, including all designs, integrations and screens.
Hoe één plus één drie werd tijdens de realisatie van Hypact Online Hypotheekadvies

The technology is ready for the general public! However, this does not mean that every Dutch consumer is immediately ready for full robo-advice. Research shows that the average customer still values ​​personal contact with an advisor, especially when it comes to complex financial issues such as a mortgage. Nevertheless, we do see a trend that customers increasingly want to do more themselves and consult more information online. In our industry, this is a development that we closely monitor and respond to. That is why Hypact Online Mortgage Advice was developed to meet the needs of both customer requirements. Our customers can take control during the mortgage advice themselves, while the knowledge and expertise of professional advisors is always within reach. In this way, the advisor continues to play an important role in the mortgage process.

The first online advice street

Online advice offers many new possibilities: for both customers and advisors. Customers have the freedom to choose what they need and which method of advice best suits their own situation. Due to rapid technological developments, an online tool can calculate the ideal mortgage structure at any time and record it in an easy-to-read advice report. Customers experience more convenience and are more in control, while advisors save time. The personalized advice report is generated after going through the advice. The customer fills in data and indicates what the customer finds important.

The match

The business DNA profiles of DocDigi and Yellowtail Conclusion match perfectly: after all, both companies strive for maximum quality and results. Together we believe in the opportunities of innovative technologies in the mortgage sector to improve the quality of the consumer’s financial life. In other words: together we make the mortgage advice process a lot easier and more efficient for both consumer and advisor. The strength of DocDigi lies in the smart way of recognizing situations and generating accessible, compliant and customer-friendly advice reports. A report that actually represents the quality of the advisor. In addition, Yellowtail Conclusion has been building financial customer journeys for years, with an intuitive and pleasant customized customer journey available for every type of customer.

DocDigi and Yellowtail Conclusion have now joined forces and thus realized the first robo-advice street for mortgages. DocDigi focused mainly on the advice report and Yellowtail Conclusion on the customer journey and the integration of all necessary (advice) components.

Looking back on a successful collaboration

The collaboration between DocDigi and Yellowtail Conclusion has led to the development of an advanced digital platform. Ingage Franchise is the launching customer. According to Mirjam Fuchs (Director of Housing & Lending at Yellowtail Conclusion), this collaboration was a natural choice: “Just like Yellowtail Conclusion, DocDigi is incredibly innovative. The right mindset, really wanting to move forward and making a difference in the sector is what connects us and what makes the collaboration so much fun!” The platform has already achieved many successes and has resulted in a significant improvement in operational efficiency.

Jan-Willem Smit (Director of DocDigi) on the collaboration: “Yellowtail Conclusion has the expertise to bring such a large project from a young, but promising start to a successful conclusion. Yellowtail Conclusion is the link between developers, customers and consumers.”

The collaboration between DocDigi and Yellowtail Conclusion has definitely led to an impressive first: the very first online mortgage advice street. Thanks to the innovative spirit of both companies, they took a new path for automated advice. The future looks bright. With these developments in mind, we look forward with enthusiasm to further innovations in the future!

The reception at Ingage Franchise

Mortgage advisors are enthusiastic about the reception of online advice. This is confirmed by Marisa Lodewijks (General Manager Ingage Franchise), who indicates that this form of robo-advice is received with open arms. Marisa: ‘I already hear that franchisees are going to set up part of their store with a computer column: “Let the customer come here. I’ll put a coffee machine next to it and if there are any questions, we’ll be there”. Interesting models are emerging with this concept’. We are proud of this impressive industry first and look forward to further innovations in collaboration in the future.”

The future of online mortgage advice

As with all new products and innovations, we will closely monitor customers to improve customer behavior and bottlenecks in the products, based on needs. In addition to that basis, we want to further ‘hybridize’ the advice street, so that advisors can not only help customers during the journey, but can also take over the advice if the situation requires it. Other innovations from Yellowtail Conclusion, such as pre-acceptance and mortgage budget calculation based on payment transactions, naturally also tie in perfectly with this innovative mortgage advice journey.

Yellowtail Conclusion and DocDigi have been collaboration partners in the mortgage industry for a year now. DocDigi supplies the innovative DocDigi platform, which can generate a best practice / lowest effort advice report for advisors – regardless of the advice package they use. As DocDigi’s implementation partner, Yellowtail Conclusion is responsible for successful implementations of DocDigi at larger organizations and organizations with extensive customized issues.

Hypact Advisor

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