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Hypact Advisor expands with DocDigi integration for mortgage advisers

Yellowtail Conclusion announces a new step in the collaboration between our Hypact Advisor, our all-in-one solution for mortgage advice and brokerage, and DocDigi. With this partnership, Yellowtail offers mortgage advisers more choices through Hypact Advisor by integrating with DocDigi.
Hypact Advisor breidt uit met DocDigi integratie voor hypotheekadviseurs

Hypact Advisor, a product of Yellowtail Conclusion, is being extended by linking with DocDigi. Advisors can fully elaborate their advice in Hypact Advisor and then choose to have the advice report automatically generated by DocDigi. All relevant data is shared between Hypact Advisor and DocDigi, allowing the adviser to quickly finalise the report in DocDigi and share it with the consumer.

Wietse Roest, Product Owner of Hypact Advisor, explains, ‘We are very excited about this integration with DocDigi. By linking with reputable parties in the market such as, in this case, DocDigi, we can support our clients even better with diverse and efficient solutions. This gives advisers more choice options, which is exactly what we want to achieve at Hypact Advisor: a more efficient and user-friendly mortgage process.’

‘We are delighted with the integration of DocDigi into Hypact Advisor,’ says Jan Willem Smit of DocDigi. ‘At DocDigi, we always strive to establish such collaborations with advisory software providers. This enables the advisor to have the most efficient process for preparing advisory reports.

How it works:

In Hypact Advisor’s trusted advice software, mortgage advisers can get started with the usual calculations and sending the application. Through the advice package, the file is automatically read into DocDigi. Where necessary, the file can be further completed and certain choices can be justified. DocDigi then generates an advice report in the desired style. During the advice process, clients are surprised by a comprehensible advice report. The contemporary layout makes the advisory report the business card of the office. With DocDigi, advisers save time, increase quality, meet all regulatory requirements and stay one step ahead of the competition. Learn more about Hypact Advisor.

Hypact Advisor

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