Yellowtail Conclusion is part of the Conclusion ecosystem

Joining forces for mortgage advice 2.0

Yellowtail Conclusion developed an online application for customers looking for a mortgage. Through this innovative platform, consumers can get mortgage advice online from A to Z. At the Mortgage Event, which took place on 7 & 8 February in Utrecht, Yellowtail Conclusion and Ingage Franchise shared all the ins and outs. Mirjam Fuchs, director of Yellowtail Conclusion, explains: ‘The long customer journey, which we have designed very intuitively, starts with orientation, goes to inventory and continues with drawing up the mortgage structure. All possible scenarios are calculated, concluding with the publication of the advice report.’
Krachten bundelen voor hypotheekadvies 2.0

Hybrid advice 2.0

Advisory organisation Ingage Franchise uses this module because they believe in this concept. The customer is in control and generates the advice themselves. The advisor, who mainly acts as a coach, checks and validates if desired. Marisa Lodewijks, director of Ingage Franchise: ‘We have been actively involved in hybrid services for a number of years. After all, our customers deserve an optimal customer experience. And that means that there are customers who like to be in control themselves. The time when these customers came to us with the proverbial shoebox is definitely behind us. An entire generation is coming that is self-reliant. At the same time, they are not helped by a form such as execution only. Sound advice is extremely important for this group.’

The opportunities of AI

‘It also fits in perfectly with today’s times. Think of supporting platforms (such as ChatGPT) that offer many possibilities based on AI’, Marisa continues. ‘That is also how I see the online mortgage module: it is a platform with which the consumer can start their journey online themselves. And this combines, together with the advisor, the best of both worlds. The role of the advisor is emphatically not to enter data into advisory systems, after which a thumb-thick advisory report rolls out that the client barely reads. It is much more about taking the client under the wing and guiding him in making the right choices. And for a starter, who is new to the housing market, it is important that the choices he makes are validated by a professional with expertise. That gives confidence, for now and for the future.’

No execution only

‘During the event, they extensively discussed this online mortgage advice for which Yellowtail Conclusion developed the module. I think it will be a revelation for many lenders and advisory organisations, because this new proposition is still associated with execution only. And it is not! We have already spoken extensively with most parties in recent years and they are still very enthusiastic. But when push comes to shove, you can still see that this hybrid form of full-fledged advice, combined with a digital platform, has yet to land.’

Mirjam: ‘This is indeed a topic that we have been talking about in the industry for at least 10 years. Fortunately, the plans are now finally becoming reality. Because we work from an online module, we can make many more calculations for consumers than when this is done manually.

For example, more than seventy thousand different options are calculated for each consumer at lightning speed to determine what the best mortgage structure is in their personal situation. During the design of the application, we continuously focused on simplifying this complex matter so that it is a pleasant experience for the customer. Of course, we encountered a number of challenges during the process. Such as generating the advice report, for which we sought cooperation with DocDigi. We also built the application to be able to provide 100% automated advice, which did not yet exist. But we succeeded! And this also makes any form of hybrid advice possible with the same application.’

Clear vision

Marisa: ‘For me personally, this event is a success if we all acknowledge that this is a logical next step. I find it a great honour that we were finally able to share what we have been working on for so long. So I will definitely leave with a good feeling, because we embrace this logical next step in advising. Moreover, this event is really different from the other events. You meet peers with a clear vision. And that is not only fun, but also educational.’

Most inspiring event

Mirjam concludes: ‘I think this conference is the most inspiring event of the year. That has to do with the target group that visits these days and with the innovations that you see passing by. I always come home with a lot of energy.

Hypact Advisor

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