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Summer Break: A Quick Recap

The summer holidays are about to begin. A good time to look back on the past six months and especially to look ahead to what is yet to come in 2022.
Summer Break: een snelle terugblik

An eventful six months lie behind us. As an organization, we have made considerable progress in these six months. For example, we have hired new ‘Key Control Dashboarders’ who have joined our team.

The software development team has grown with the arrival of Cody, Cobus and Louis and at Operations we have scaled up with Jorn and Julien. Things have not been quiet at our office in Naarden either. There we have been able to bring in top talent from Sales, Marketing and Delivery (Paul, Judith, Maryke, Kaan and Priyesh).

It is great to see that everyone is taking our organization further with their talent and knowledge. But we are not done yet! We are also looking for reinforcement in the coming months, in the form of a Senior Consultant, Project Manager or Junior Consultant. Perhaps our new colleagues are in your network?

Major steps

We have worked hard on the Key Control Dashboard. We have not only developed new GRC, ISMS and PMS functionalities; we have also enriched our solution with innovative techniques and developed new dashboards. We are taking big steps and of course our customers will continue to benefit from many new possibilities in the coming six months. Whether it concerns integrated solutions such as Power BI, more user-friendly reports or the go-live for our community environment KeySpire. These are developments that we are looking forward to with great pleasure.


Furthermore, as a team we are proud of the progress we have been able to achieve with you, our customer. Whether this is during the onboarding of new organisations or during the further development of the Key Control Dashboard with customers who have been using it for years. This always involves challenging projects at ministries, independent administrative bodies, executive organisations, provinces, municipalities, safety regions and other (semi)public organisations.

We are proud that we can still call ourselves the market leader within the central government when it comes to GRC and ISMS tooling. We also help municipalities such as Purmerend and Nissewaard to be at the forefront of, for example, the recently approved legislation on Legal Accountability. And it doesn’t stop there! We are now also outside the public domain, because we achieve results with financial and business service providers, among others. For example, we help our parent company Conclusion in the area of ​​privacy.

We look ahead

We are now looking forward to the coming period. A period in which we continue to work, of course, but also take a moment to rest and enjoy a well-deserved holiday. And then look at the horizon with a fresh perspective. In the last six months of the year, we want to continue to grow, learn from any shortcomings, be disappointed about a deal that may not go through and, above all, cheer for a new go-live! And as a team, there is also a clear goal; to grow even closer together in order to have a strong foundation for all the challenges that lie ahead for us in the last half of 2022.

We wish everyone a great summer holiday. Enjoy the sun, wherever you do it. We do the same, although there are always team members working for our customers.

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