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Teamwork makes the dream work

Everyone is enjoying the nice weather and is slowly getting ready for the summer holidays. A good time to take stock of the first half of the year. Jochem Snijders and Leon Wiendels look back and look ahead. “2023 seems to be a sunny year for team Key Control Dashboard. And that is mainly due to our collaborative culture.”
Teamwork makes the dream work

Always learning

“In recent months, we have taken new steps as an organization,” says Jochem. “We have grown in various areas. Think of new customers, improved processes and the further development of our solution. That also requires a next level of ourselves.” Leon admires the team effort in this: “We have entered a new growth phase with great projects for major customers. That is challenging to do, but it also means that there is a lot on everyone’s plate. When I see how our team deals with that and how everyone wants to continue learning, that makes me really proud.”


Leon looks back on the achievements in the past six months: “We have done innovative projects in co-creation with customers with which these customers, for example, improve their reporting. For example, we recently completed a successful pilot with data-driven audits in which checks and controls are fully automated.” According to Jochem, the team can be a bit more proud of itself: “We have been a fairly modest organization for a long time. But when you see which customers we work for and what we achieve, we can profile ourselves a bit more strongly. We are doing this more and more now and it is paying off in terms of employer branding, among other things; we have been able to welcome many new, good colleagues.”


For Jochem, it is the collaborative culture that makes his work so much fun: “We really do it together. Within the teams such as product, delivery and commerce. But also across the Key Control Dashboard team and with the whole of Yellowtail. The lines of communication are short everywhere. Events such as the hackathon we recently did and the Key Control Dashboard Inspiration Day with customers in October also contribute to our team spirit.” Leon: “Entrepreneurship within the team is also growing. I think it is great to see that people take the initiative to take the next step. I get a lot of energy from that.”


According to Leon, the main challenge now is to stay sharp together: “Even when things are going well, you have to keep reflecting. Is our working method still the best? Where can we improve? That attitude keeps us innovative. After the summer, we will continue to bring successful pilots to our customers.” Jochem shares that feeling: “There is a hunger for further development and growth. We always want to do things right. Then it is also the art of not being distracted too much and continuing to believe in our vision. In the first half of the year we achieved the goals, if we achieve the same goals in the second half of the year, then we can say that 2023 is a sunny year for team Key Control Dashboard!”

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