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The era of sustainability regulation has arrived

Due to the growing concern about climate change and the environment, companies around the world are facing increasingly stringent sustainability requirements. The most impactful requirements are expected to come from the CSRD, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. This directive will be mandatory for listed companies from 2024. A year later, this directive will also become mandatory for all companies that meet the following criteria: turnover is higher than 40 million euros per year or a balance sheet total of more than 20 million euros and more than 250 employees. What does this CSRD mean for companies and how can monitoring be organised?
Tijdperk van duurzaamheidsregulering is aangebroken

Sustainability regulation now and in the future

It is crucial that companies do not only focus on monitoring in relation to the extent to which they comply. This is only the starting point for 2024. Soon after, external supervisors will proactively manage progress and strive for sustainable business practices. This fits in with the vision of Yellowtail Conclusion. We believe that in the coming years, organizations will work towards an integrated management model and proactively manage to improve the organization on various topics, including financial, security, privacy and sustainability requirements.

The importance of compliance with CSRD standards

Compliance with the CSRD standards goes beyond just reporting. It requires a deep understanding of the regulations, a streamlined process for data collection and reporting and the ability to take action based on the insights gained. This is where Key Control Dashboard comes into the picture. After all, as an organization, you do not only have to comply with CSRD standards. Large organizations also have to deal with their financial, security and privacy legislation. These topics also play an important role in good governance and the control and management of an organization. Hence the need for an integral management model. Key Control Dashboard helps to monitor, account for, manage and efficiently invest these topics in an integral manner within the organization.

Towards a holistic approach

Like the CSRD, Key Control Dashboard also goes beyond reporting. It provides support in performing a thorough materiality and stakeholder analysis.

An important part of the CSRD is the materiality analysis. Organizations must determine which sustainability issues are most relevant to their activities and stakeholders. This analysis is essential to guide the reporting and ensure that the reported information is in line with the actual impact and importance of the issues.

In addition to this component, Key Control Dashboard facilitates the process of complying or explaining, creating the associated dossier and assigning ownership to the right place within the organization. We collect relevant data on sustainability performance and risks, giving organizations a broader overview of their activities and impact. Through data visualization, organizations can compare and evaluate the priorities of sustainability issues and adjust with actions and decisions.

Unlocking the full potential of the CSRD

In the era of stricter sustainability requirements, where CSRD compliance becomes mandatory for organizations and performing a thorough materiality analysis becomes vital, Key Control Dashboard offers a comprehensive solution. It supports organizations in achieving sustainability goals, being accountable to stakeholders and identifying the most relevant sustainability issues and risks. Organizations can proactively navigate the complexity of sustainability regulation and focus their efforts on building a more sustainable future. In this way, we can all unlock the potential of the CSRD directive and work towards not only a financially and digitally resilient world, but also a sustainable one.

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