Yellowtail Conclusion is part of the Conclusion ecosystem

Our journey with
Folkert Pama and Hanka van Waas

  • Client: a.s.r.
  • Project: I think ahead
  • Project Duration: Discovery 4 weeks | realization 4 months


Hanka van Waas: “What I find interesting about Yellowtail Conclusion is that they are always in problem-solving mode and inventive with their solutions. They don’t believe in ‘can’t,’ even within the complexities of the changing pension world.”


a.s.r. aims to encourage customers to easily explore their financial possibilities—not only for the present but also for the future. By understanding their financial situation, customers can make better choices to achieve their goals. In co-creation with Yellowtail Conclusion and a.s.r., ‘Ik denk vooruit’ has been developed. This tool provides insight into the customer’s complete financial picture.




How do you ensure that people make the right choices for a financially healthy life? For example, if they want to retire early, have more free time, or leave a good legacy for their loved ones. a.s.r. sought a way to provide their customers with personalized insights into their goals and wishes. Ideally, this should be within an engaging and intuitive customer journey.

Icoon pensioensuite



a.s.r. ‘Ik denk vooruit’ is an online platform that allows people to easily review their financial future. The platform offers content, tools, and solutions, focusing on addressing the most critical financial needs of the target audiences. The customer journeys are designed and built in co-creation between a.s.r. and Yellowtail Conclusion to be logical and user-friendly, while also being tailored to the consumer’s wishes.


To provide personalized insights, Yellowtail Conclusion collaborates with Ortec Finance for retrieving up-to-date calculations. Additionally, the Ockto app is used to collect source data, and Nibud expenditure norms are incorporated into the calculations and insights. With the Tealium integration, the use of ‘Ik Denk Vooruit’ can be analyzed and reviewed.

The result

Currently, Yellowtail Conclusion is working with a.s.r. on developing the pension portal of the future. With an integration of ‘Ik denk vooruit,’ the pension portal not only provides insight into a.s.r. pensions for participants but also answers various relevant customer questions, such as, “Can I work less in the future?” or “Will I have enough later on?”

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