Yellowtail Conclusion is part of the Conclusion ecosystem

Our journey with
Hyra Hypotheken

  • Client: Ingage
  • Project: Development of Application Portal for New Buy-to-Let Mortgage Label
  • Role: Manager Mortgage Desk
  • Project duration: 4 months
Collega Yellowtail Conclusion aan het werk

Hyra Hypotheken

“We have found the collaboration with Yellowtail Conclusion to be very pleasant. The team genuinely thinks along with us, responds quickly, and is results- and action-oriented. As a result, our application portal was developed in a relatively short period.”


Ingage believes that professional real estate investors can be part of the solution. The homes they purchase and renovate are primarily rented to first-time buyers and middle-income individuals, providing them with access to the housing market. For this to continue, professional real estate investors must be able to keep investing in the rental housing market; thus, the search for an attractive mortgage product for professional real estate investors began.


To ensure continued investment in the Dutch rental housing market, Ingage aimed to develop a new buy-to-let mortgage for professional real estate investors. These rental mortgages are only offered through selected independent advisors. The principle was that the entire acceptance process would be handled in-house. Unlike the residential mortgage market, which has seen significant digitization in recent years, the buy-to-let market still relies heavily on paper. There is no uniform application portal—like HDN in the residential mortgage market—for the buy-to-let sector. However, Ingage believes in data-driven operations and therefore wanted to develop its own application portal, connected to the software solutions already in use at Ingage.

The Result

Ingage started developing Hyra Mortgages in 2022. This new lender became available through independent advisors in February 2023 and offers mortgages to professional real estate investors. With these mortgages, investors can purchase, refinance, or improve properties intended for commercial rental. For applying for real estate financing, Ingage, in collaboration with Yellowtail Conclusion, developed a separate application portal. Yellowtail Conclusion and Ingage were able to apply the lessons learned from Ingage’s residential mortgage brands, Merius Mortgages and Impact Mortgages, to Hyra Mortgages.

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