Yellowtail Conclusion is part of the Conclusion ecosystem

Our journey with
Annemieke Biesheuvel 

  • Client: PMA
  • Project: Pension website and participant portal
  • Role: Marketing Communication
Tevreden klant over de klantvriendelijke oplossing van Yellowtail Conclusion


“Yellowtail Conclusion was always willing to think along with us and act very solution-oriented when we encountered challenges. They provided us with a very customer-friendly solution, which works well for both our participants and my colleagues.”


PMA is the pension fund for Pharmacy Employees and aims to inform its participants about pension matters in an intuitive and qualitative manner. An up-to-date pension website and participant portal provide an accessible platform where participants can view their pensions, outline various scenarios, and thus be prepared for the future.

Icoon pensioensuite

A modern upgrade


The pension website and participant portal of PMA were outdated and in need of an upgrade. In the old situation, the pension website and participant portal were two separate entities with inconsistent look and feel. There was a strong desire to offer one seamless customer journey, allowing participants to be intuitively guided from the website to the participant portal and receive the correct information.

Icoon mensen


De pensioenwebsite en het deelnemersportaal van PMA

The collaboration between PMA and Yellowtail Conclusion began with a brainstorming session. The main question was: what did PMA consider important, and which elements needed to be included in the pension website and participant portal? During the development of both environments, there was daily contact and consultation. Working in this manner allowed problems to be resolved quickly, as Annemieke Biesheuvel also mentioned: “If we encountered a problem, and sometimes we faced difficult issues, Yellowtail Conclusion was always willing to think along with us.”

Tevreden klant over de klantvriendelijke oplossing van Yellowtail Conclusion

“After a few brainstorming sessions, we began building the website and platform. Through daily collaboration, we were able to quickly adapt and gain a clear understanding of the expected outcome.”

The Result

Participants can find all information related to their pension on the new pension website, and they can also complete a pension application. The pension website and participant portal now have a more accessible interface and are aligned with each other. It looks more modern and is more user-friendly. Participants can easily update their information. With the updated interface, colleagues can better assist participants and have more time to help with more substantive questions.

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