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Yellowlab: What impact is your pension communication having?

All pension funds, insurers and premium pension institutions (ppi's) that adapt their schemes to the Future Pensions Act must submit a communication plan to the AFM. From knowing your target groups to measuring the effectiveness of your communication campaigns, the AFM wants to know what it's like. Beyond the AFM's wishes, this also provides opportunities for even better customer journeys for pension participants. Precisely by entering into the conversation with them, you know where the real need lies and you can tailor the message better. That is exactly what Yellowlab stands for, a new part of Yellowtail Conclusion.
Yellowlab: Wat voor effect heeft jouw pensioencommunicatie?

Emails, magazines, websites, letters, and tools: pension funds and pension administrators pull out all the stops to inform their participants well about the changes in their pensions. Especially the digital information provision through specially developed tools is increasing, but how do these work? By conducting qualitative research, you can discover in a conversation with the participant where the needs lie. What, for example, leads a participant to think about their pension? Does this happen when they have children, buy a house, or change jobs? Answers to these questions provide valuable insights for a pension fund that needs to measure which communication is effective.

Insight into the customer journey

When it comes to the use of digital tools such as a portal, there is no ‘one size fits all’. Each pension fund or administrator has its own channels and ways of communicating with the target audience. This also leads to differences in the customer journeys. But do the comprehensibility, accessibility, and user-friendliness of the tool match the participant’s wishes? If not, where can it be improved? Yellowlab investigates this digital customer journey by conducting qualitative user research, organizing customer panels and workshops, and performing usability tests. Eli Wijfjes, Business Consultant at Yellowtail Conclusion and applied behavioral psychologist, speaks with participants for this purpose. By asking the right questions and especially by probing further, you get a clear picture of desires, wishes, and expectations. You discover where there are uncertainties and where there are opportunities for improvement.

The person behind the participant

With this approach, pension funds and pension administrators meet the requirements of the AFM regarding the Future Pensions Act, by continuously measuring the effect of a campaign or message. But the outcomes of Yellowlab offer much more. As a pension fund or pension administrator, you get personas of the target groups. In other words, a clear picture of the person behind the participant. You can then tailor your communication precisely to this. Where is someone’s knowledge level and how do you address this with layered communication? To what extent is the message effective with these people? Does the chosen channel fit this group? If you know who you are doing it for, if you really get under the participant’s skin, you can set up specific customer journeys. Then you arrive at tools with which you can make an impact.

Tools with impact

A tool with impact is never finished. There is always room for improvement, it is a continuous process of testing, adjusting, testing, and refining. Yellowlab is part of Yellowtail Conclusion and finds it just as important that participants have insight into their financial situation and are activated to engage with it. And that starts with getting to know your target groups. Yellowlab helps pension funds and pension administrators to understand the needs, expectations, and wishes of participants. Because truly understanding your target group will lead to better communication. We at Yellowlab and Yellowtail Conclusion are convinced of that!

Curious about what Yellowlab can mean for your pension fund? Then contact Cathelijn Schoenmakers or Eli Wijfjes.

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