Yellowtail Conclusion is part of the Conclusion ecosystem

Yellowtail Conclusion strengthens team with Paul van der Meijs

Last week, Paul van der Meijs started at Yellowtail Conclusion as Head of Innovation & Strategy within the team Housing & Lending. Paul is a well-known name in the financial sector. He has an extensive track record when it comes to growing financial service providers through innovation, digitalization and strategic focus.
Yellowtail Conclusion versterkt team met Paul van der Meijs

Paul has been (jointly) responsible for the construction and introduction of a new concept no less than 5 times in his career, in which innovation in service provision and optimal use of technology always played a role. The last two companies that were built under his leadership are Finzie and At, he exchanged his role as director for that of commissioner on 1 January. Innovation and focus on service provision were also always central to the existing companies that Paul led – such as De Hypotheker and Florius.

Matthijs Mons, Managing Director Yellowtail Conclusion: “We are incredibly proud to welcome Paul to our team. He is a visionary when it comes to innovation & strategy. He brings a wealth of experience in the field of formulating and implementing distinctive and concrete growth strategies. His experience and insights in combination with the innovative solutions and in-depth industry knowledge of Yellowtail Conclusion will certainly help us to serve our customers even better.”

Paul van der Meijs adds: “For years I have followed the innovative power of Yellowtail Conclusion with great admiration. They have also contributed to the success of I am therefore looking forward to contributing to the realisation of our mission together with our customers; improving the quality of the (financial) life of the consumer.

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