Yellowtail Conclusion is part of the Conclusion ecosystem

Financial resilience for all

Whether it is a customer-friendly journey for housing sustainability, a unique portal for intermediaries, or efficient advice and brokerage software, we have specialised in key financial solutions for 20 years. We offer innovative, digital and data-driven products, customer journeys and services. Together with our customers, we build a sustainable future with financial resilience for all.

Collega's Yellowtail Conclusion in gesprek met elkaar

Our partners

Discover Hypact Advisor

Welcome to Hypact Advisor: your all-in-one solution for advice, mediation and management. Our innovative approach optimises the efficiency of advice and mediation processes, allowing you to invest more valuable time in your clients. This leads to significant improvements in advice quality and significantly increases your customers’ overall satisfaction.

Collega's Yellowtail Conclusion in gesprek met elkaar

The 'Hypotheken Podcast'

The ‘Hypotheken Podcast’ is for and by professionals in the mortgage industry. Mortgage professionals are updated on the latest insights and developments in half an hour by frontrunners and influencers in the field. Think topics such as AI, active management, digitalisation and sustainability.

Mathijs Mons, De hypotheken podcast

Davinci Conclusion

We work closely with our subsidiary Davinci Conclusion. This allows us to fully serve our clients in the mortgage, housing and notarial markets. We support them throughout the entire process: from the initial orientation on buying a home to the notarial steps and the further life cycle. With our combined forces, we offer a complete service from A to Z.

Collega's Yellowtail Conclusion in een vergadering

Our Digital Professionals

Get the knowledge and experience you need by hiring a consultant from Yellowtail Conclusion. Our driven digital professionals have extensive experience in the financial sector, specifically in the field of mortgages and consumer credit. Whether you need advice, implementation or optimisation, we are ready to support you in every phase of the process. With a proven track-record at banks, insurers, mortgage and credit providers.

Hoe kan een explainproces eruitzien met de toepassing van AI?
Yellowtail Conclusion kantoor en collega's

Sounds good?

Contact us and dive deeper into the opportunities. Discover how our services and solutions can contribute to your organization.

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