Yellowtail Conclusion is part of the Conclusion ecosystem

Hypact Active Servicing

Optimal support in the mortgage management phase. It helps you provide the best possible support to your clients in the management phase of the mortgage.

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Relevant information

Hypact Active Servicing helps you to optimally support customers in the management phase of their mortgage. You provide them with relevant information and ensure that the mortgage remains in line with their personal situation. We often combine this technology, which has been successful in the pension sector for many years, with a customized front-end. As a result, together we realize a unique customer journey that perfectly matches your vision and goals.

What can you use it for?

Examples of components where you can use Hypact Active Servicing:

  • Recalculation of the mortgage budget
  • Robo advice for the small changes
  • Execution only for the minor changes
  • Insight into the personal situation based on source data and PSD2
  • Current insight into monthly costs during the term of the mortgage
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Kantoor Yellowtail Conclusion en collega's die werken achter hun laptop

Sounds good?

Contact us and dive deeper into the possibilities of Hypact Active Servicing. Discover how our services and solutions can contribute to your organisation.

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