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Our PSD2 engine BEYOND

Yellowtail Conclusion’s smart PSD2 engine helps your clients discover new financial opportunities and protect existing ones. We call this ‘financial equivalence’.

Paul vd Meijs
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Financial equivalence

With BEYOND, your clients can make better financial decisions and you can advise them more efficiently. Moreover, it will save you hours of manual work and help you better manage risks.


Better implementation of duty of care



Faster process



Lower risk of default


Creating financial equivalence with BEYOND

Affordability checks, Credit risk modelling, Mortgage applications/acceptances Credit applications/acceptances, Budget plans, Preventive and active management, Pension advice


Watch this short video

Quick, simple and secure to use in any financial consideration or credit decision. BEYOND offers consumers insight into their net financial behaviour in minutes. This helps them make better financial decisions, while you can advise them more efficiently and effectively.

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