Digital innovations
Key Control Dashboard’s Information Security Management System (ISMS) has been the leading software in business and central government for 12 years. Digital innovations are at the heart of the success of many large organisations. The implications of this for you as CIO, CISO or Risk Manager are huge. Thousands of employees worldwide access sensitive business and personal data from different locations. It is up to you to make all information flows transparent and manage dangerous risks such as data breaches, malware and phishing. Because when things go wrong, the eyes of management and society are on you. What have you done to limit the damage? Start today and request your free demo.
How does it work exactly?
Organisations using Key Control Dashboard get instant access to a ‘best-practice setup’ with commonly used dashboards, governance, standards frameworks, methodology, asset register and processes.
We then configure the dashboard based on your specific needs and requirements, until you fully trust the tool and consider it your smart PA, which has thought of everything.
Decentralisation of ownership and responsibility
What is unique about Key Control Dashboard is the decentralised ownership for employees. With different roles and user rights, each employee provides input for the required information and bears responsibility for information security and risk management.
Instead of CISO going around teams with Excel sheets, information is now automatically linked to departments and databases. This saves time, increases ease of use, lowers the error rate and significantly improves information quality.
A resilient organisation
As the person responsible for managing and controlling information, it is crucial that you constantly (re)adjust and work on optimisations. Working 100% risk-free does not exist. By continuously making improvements based on data, you can grow step by step and systematically work on a financially and digitally resilient organisation.
Whitepaper Information Security Management System
It is a challenge for organisations to comply with legislation, procedures and guidelines, while understanding risks around information security and privacy. Have you prioritised these risks, taken control measures and created a response plan?
In our new white paper, we explain how your organisation can use a risk-based approach to grow into a risk-aware organisation. In doing so, the entire organisation contributes to a sound information security and risk management policy in a rapidly changing digital landscape.
Want to know more about our GRC solution?
Our colleagues will be happy to talk to you and tell you more about all the possibilities.
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